New Trend: The M-Slit

The sexy new trend "the M-Slit" is named for it's obvious high cutouts that graze the thigh. Seen all over the runways this season, the m-slit showcases a lot of leg action and is perfect for spring!

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Achieve Smoldering Runway Eyes

Try vamping up your smoky eye routine by giving it a smoldering effect which reads SEXY.  To achieve this look trace the outer rims with dark brown liner, then apply matching shadow on the lids. Blend it into a soft almond shape just past the crease. For more depth, try adding shimmery cream highlighter to the inner corners and the brow bone.  Finish it off with a nice pair of lashes and a super sleek ponytail!

Viola instant WOW factor!


Trend Alert: Black + White for Spring

Designers are showing lots of black and white pieces on the runways, hints why trendsetters like Beyonce opted for a black and white jumpsuit for the Grammys. Ladies this will be the ultimate eye catcher this spring and perfect for the girl who hates bright colors.

Trends to Keep for Spring

The weather outside might feel like winter is here to stay but Spring is vastly approaching.  Think warm thoughts and keep these 5 fashion trends in mind as you revamp your wardrobe for the warmer months:

1)      Capes:  Not only are they great transitions piece from winter, they take any outfit from drab to fab by adding a little bit of classic flair.

2)      Oriental Inspired Clothing: Think sexy Geisha! Prada debuted some amazing oriental inspired pieces for their spring collection.  Keep up with this trend by pairing your classic pieces with a great kimono or oriental printed silks to give your wardrobe a new look.

3)      Metallics: Think hues of gold, bronze, or silver. Keeping any metallics you’ve invested in through 2012 is not only a good idea, it’s a must.

4)      Leather Skirts: A great way to play up the weather by adding a heavier material with a lighter chiffon shirt while you transition with the seasons.

5)      Retro: Great styles always repeat themselves. 1950s  style costume jewelry, pencil skirts, vintage-style hats and anything that takes its cues from the bold, bright side of 1960s fashion are a go! Pair great sweaters with cropped plaids and keep it fun!