Davis Factor, renowned photographer and part of the SMASHBOX Co-Founder, knows how to take an amazing picture. Now, so do you!
Keep reading for great tips on how to look your best self in any photo. Take notes, school is in session:
How to Love Your Body in Photos:
· Everyone wants to look their thinnest in photos and a great tip to ensure you do is to stand slightly turned to the side. If your shoulders are perpendicular to the camera, you will look broader. Instead, try turning a bit. Once you’ve hit this position, turn your body slightly and look toward the camera tilting your head down bringing your chin toward your neck.
· Also, posture is extremely important, if you stand up straight with your shoulders back, you will eliminate the possibility of having any unnecessary bulges that can make you look heavier in photos.
The Perfect Smile:
· Many people are a little nervous about smiling. They don’t think their smile looks good, but the perfect smile is something that often needs a little practice. I tell my clients to practice a smile in the mirror until you get one that you are comfortable and confident with.
· My favorite is a soft, light smile. This is a smile that doesn’t show as much teeth as you would when you are laughing. It will never appear overdone or fake and will eliminate too much gum or teeth from showing.
A Few Beauty Essentials:
Before the camera flashes, take a quick second to be sure your makeup looks as good as it did when you got to the event or party. Most of the time it won’t and there are a few key products that if you use to touch up before photos are taken will make all the difference.
· You want to make sure you are not shiny, so a great mattifying product such as a powder or gel will quickly eliminate a shiny face.
· I tell my clients to always have gloss with them, a sheer colored gloss or lipstick will really accent a beautiful smile.
· Reapplying a coat of mascara before photos begin will bring attention to your eyes and create a flirty look.
Most Importantly, Relax:
· The more comfortable you are, the better the photograph.
· Enjoy the moment so it shines through in the photo.