Scandalous Hair

Love Olivia Pope’s effortlessly classy hair, but don’t know where to begin?  Try our PURE Wavy or PURE Straight in 12 inches, and have your hair wrapped for bounce and volume. When you feel the need, use a large barrel iron or thick panel flat iron to add curls, and you give your look a little more spice. This style is ideal for the professional woman, who may work out in the evenings, and goes for drinks on the weekends.

The "It" Girl- Kerry Washington

We can't get enough of Olivia Pope these days! Ms. Scandal herself has a new gig, she was named creative consultant for skincare giant Neutrogena. This is a super exciting partnership, we love Kerry Washington and Neutrogena. As the new brand ambassador, we're sure she uses some of their products to achieve that flawless skin of hers. We are looking forward to the awesomeness that comes from this collaboration. Kudos to Kerry! 
